Good customer service is important to how we interact with a business. We get questions answered and problems solved via telephone, email or live chat.

But that’s not always the case. Scammers can masquerade as customer service representatives in attempts trick you out of your money or your personal information.



That’s why it’s important to be cautious when dealing with customer service issues.

Here are some ways to help ensure you’re working with an official customer service representative …

  • When it comes to issues with debit and credit cards, call the toll-free number listed on the back of the card or the number on the card issuer’s official website.
  • For other businesses, visit only official websites and call only official numbers.

Here are some things to avoid …

  • Customer service won’t call you out of the blue asking for personal information such as account or Social Security numbers.
  • They won’t call or email to threaten you with a service or account cutoff or fines.
  • They won’t call and demand payment with prepaid debit cards, wire transfers or cash.

Here are some tips for contacting an official customer representative:

  • Go to a business’s official website to look for customer service contact options, such as phone numbers, email forms or live chat. It’s also likely that any product warranty or registration will include a method for contacting customer service.
  • Don’t just do a blank online search since fraudsters can post fake numbers or even put up fake websites designed to hijack your personal information or money.
  • Don’t fall for unsolicited emails or phone calls that could contain malware or that threaten you.

Taking the time to deal with an official customer service channel can help solve your problem – not create a new one.