
Are you doing everything you can to keep your business, customer and employee data safe?

If computers and mobile devices are part of how you do business, it’s imperative to have use policies and procedures in place to protect your company, its customers and its reputation.

It all starts by setting expectations and enforcing security policies for your employees and the devices they use – whether its desktop computers, laptops or mobile devices.

Security experts recommend that you create and enforce computer access and use policies so employees are clear about what is expected of them and what the consequences of violating the policies could be.

These guidelines could include Internet access and the use of email or social media during work hours. Spell out what is and what is not acceptable.

Your policy should also state zero tolerance for offensive, harassing or discriminatory communication.

Once you have a policy in place, it’s important that you train your workers and provide ongoing education about computer safety and security.

If employees need access to company data for their jobs, create individual access accounts to limit what they can and can’t do. And be sure to require the use of strong passwords to help block unauthorized users. Tell workers never to share usernames and passwords.

Restrict employee privileges based on need – and that includes access to private data and any financial or banking accounts.

Make security part of your business culture. Train staff not to click on links or download attachments in unsolicited email; ask them to log out when away from computers or devices; and encourage them to speak up if they notice security problems.

It’s up to you to create and maintain a culture of data protection.