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Don’t Let Coronavirus Break The Important Bond Between You And Your Customers

The coronavirus pandemic has driven a wedge between the normally close bond businesses of all sizes have with their customers, but there are a variety of ways you can keep lines of communication open.

Whether your business has been able to remain open to customers or if you’ve had to temporarily close your doors, there are things you can do to stay in touch.

Some of the best tools you can use right now include email, social media, text messages, your website, in-store signage, or even a recorded message on your business phone number to let customers know what steps you are taking and changes you are making to protect them and your staff.

If your doors are still open, tell people what you are doing to clean and disinfect everything from high-touch surfaces to restrooms. Let them know if you are limiting hours and services, restricting product purchases, or are experiencing shortages. For example, some stores already have set certain hours when only people over a certain age can shop in order to limit their exposure to the coronavirus infection. Those are the kinds of things customers need to know. Keep your messaging going as long as required during the pandemic.

If you’ve had to close your doors to walk-in business but have online- or phone-ordering capabilities, let the public know what you are offering and how the process will work. How will payments be taken, how quickly will orders be fulfilled, and how will pick-ups or deliveries be made?

If you temporarily aren’t providing any services but have the ability to sell things like gift cards for later use, let people know. You might even consider selling them at a discount.

For businesses that have suspended routine services but continue to offer emergency aid, be sure to communicate that to patients, clients, or customers and let them know the guidelines and procedures.

It is important to make sure your messaging isn’t a one and done. Inform customers each time you make a change, or occasionally remind them of your status just in case they missed an earlier communication. 

As social distancing has isolated millions, you might even want to contact customers just to let them know that you care about them and are looking forward to seeing them again soon.

Take advantage of the many communication channels at your disposal during these trying times and look forward to the day you can send the message that “We’re back to normal!”