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No matter what stage your small business is in, hiring an accountant can be a big help!

While most small businesses can’t afford a full-time accountant, finding one you can consult with quarterly or semiannually can help keep you organized and using data properly.

Take the time to research an accountant who can meet your needs. Check with other small business owners you trust or with friends or family to see if they have a recommendation, then meet with some of those accountants to see how you get along. 

You’re going to want someone who can explain things well and is knowledgeable about tax laws and business management.

As your business grows, an accountant can help advise you about equipment purchases or leases, determine areas for growth and how to use your money wisely.

An accountant can also provide guidance on a variety of money strategies, such as borrowing and repayment options and how to manage your available cash. Having this information can be a big help when talking with your financial institution about money needs. 

While hiring an accountant comes with costs based on your needs, they can help you keep your business healthy and running smoothly.