Have you avoided opening a checking or savings account at a financial institution because you don’t know if it’s right for you?

We all have to deal with money in some way – whether it’s a paycheck, paying bills, or even getting a loan.

And there are many alternative financial service businesses out there that offer money services – but they charge fees that can chip away at your hard-earned cash.

Many people turn to check-cashing and payday-loan businesses that can charge high fees - and the more you use them, the more they eat away at your money.

On the other hand, a traditional financial institution like ours offers you a wide variety of services with benefits, such as:

  • Being able to talk to trained professionals who can advise you on wise ways to save, and how to monitor your spending.
  • Checking and savings accounts that let you safely deposit your money and not have to carry large amounts of cash that could possibly be lost or stolen.
  • Online and mobile access to your account 24 hours a day so you can track balances, transfer money between accounts, and monitor them for any irregularities. Account holders can even pay bills online.
  • You can have your paycheck deposited directly into your account.
  • Having a savings account can help get you in the habit of regularly setting aside money for emergencies, college or even retirement.

So don’t keep throwing your money away. Visit one of our branches to talk to a trained professional about how having a checking and savings account can benefit you.