Are you prepared for a cyberattack?

Anytime the US finds itself in the midst of escalating international tensions, the threat of a cyberattack is at its peak. While it’s unlikely that individual citizens will be targeted, it is possible that you may be affected by attacks against other organizations or infrastructure.

The best way to prepare, according to experts, is to follow safe online practices or good “cyber hygiene.”

Ways to Stay Cybersafe

When available, make use of multifactor authentication, especially for financial services, but also for email and social media. Multifactor authentication makes use of a secondary round of ID checks like Face ID, fingerprint, or a security code sent to your phone.

Keep your software up to date, including your antivirus and antimalware programs. Do this for all your devices, not just a desktop or laptop computer. You should also back up your files occasionally, so if something does happen to your computer or device, your information won’t be lost.

Use strong, unique passwords, and don’t reuse them on multiple sites. If one password gets exposed in a data breach, you don’t want all your accounts to be vulnerable!

Think before you click on any link or attachment, either in your email or while browsing. Most cyberattacks start with a phishing email which, if clicked, leads to your personal information being stolen. Phishing emails often look legitimate, so look closely. Check the sender’s email. If it looks suspicious, report it, delete it, and go through the actual website to log in to your account to see if there’s actually an issue.

Following these guidelines will help protect you in the event of a cyberattack, whether it comes from criminals abroad or closer to home. Practice good cyber hygiene, and stay safe online!

Online and mobile banking account applications offered by Baltimore County Employees Federal Credit Union require strong passwords and have specific security protocols to follow. While some password requirements are complex, they are meant to make it hard for unauthorized access to your account information. Keeping your information safe and secure is our highest priority.

If you have been locked out of your account or think your account has been compromised, contact us right away at 410-828-4730, 410-234-4730, or