A Revolutionary Biometric Solution for Accessing your Accounts!

First National Bank LI is providing an optional way to verify your identity, access account information, and begin banking. At the local branches, we will carry a palm scanner which will be used as an identification device to verify yourself with superior security. For those who do not prefer to utilize palm identification, we will still accept a valid government-issued ID or Driver’s License.

What is a palm scanner?

This device allows participating customers to walk into our branch and hover their hand over the scanning surface. The scanner will then capture the pattern of the individual’s palm by accessing millions of reference points. Within seconds the scanner will verify that it is the customer. The customers who choose to verify themselves with this method will be able to perform a wide array of banking activities such as…..

How does a palm scanner work?

Similar to how each item at a store has its own barcode that identifies the item, you have your own palm pattern that identifies yourself as a person. Our scanner technology accesses 500 million reference points on your palm that make up a unique point pattern. This pattern now represents your palm and will be recognized by 1N who pairs it with your account information. Once your palm scan is officially set up, you will be able to access your account information with just a hover of your hand each time you walk into the branch.

What do I do after I scan my hand?

Before you begin any transactions, your account information will appear on the screen. After all banking requests have been processed, you may be asked to sign a signature under a summary of what activity happened during your visit.

How do I know my handprint is protected?

It is important to note that your physical vein pattern is not stored with the bank. The palm pattern that is scanned is not a representation of the customer’s actual vein pattern, but rather an array of dots based on unique touch points. It is the array of dots that represents the customer. The dot pattern does not contain any information about a customer’s body or handprint.

Why is palm scanning safe?

Being that palm patterns are one of the more intricate parts of the human body, forgery is virtually impossible when a palm scan is used to access banking information. Aside from just security purposes, palm scanning is safe because it is hygienic. The hover of a hand requires no contact with the scanner or other people’s germs.

Why is palm scanning efficient?

The optional method of palm scanning is faster than other forms of authentication and provides the opportunity to make banking at 1N even faster. The simple hover of your palm over our scanner allows for a quick and safer banking process.

Getting Started

Step 1: If you’re interested in using the palm scanning method, stop into your local branch today with you photo ID and palm ready. The process only takes a few minutes.

Step 2: A First National Bank LI member will assist you in completing the initial scan of your palm which will become the baseline for all scans you do in the future.

Step 3: Your scan will then be linked to your account information with us at First National Bank LI. We keep all information encrypted and private.

Step 4: When you walk in next all you will have to do is scan your hand to start banking.

To begin hand scanning or to receive more information visit your local branch at https://www.fnbli.com/location...


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