Account Information as of
Account Information
Average Available Balance Current Month: 19,638.89
Average Available Balance Previous Month: 6,946.88
Average Available Balance : 15,244.00
Average Available Balance : 14,812.00
Average Ledger Balance Current Month: 14,848.00
Average Ledger Balance Previous Month: 14,346.00
Average Ledger Balance : 15,239.00
Average Ledger Balance : 14,802.00
Last Deposit: [date] 4,182.00
Last Check: [date] 7,900.00
Account Activity
Current Balance: 15,000.00
Pending Transfers: 7,900.000-
Presentments: .00+
Anticipated Balance: 7,100.00

Available Funds
Current Balance: 15,000.00
Total Float: .00-
Holds: .00-
Available Balance: 15,000.00
Pending Transfers: 7,900.00-
Presentments: .00+
Anticipated Available Balance: 7,100.00
Credit Line: .00+
Total Funds Available: 7,100.00

Interest Information
Current Accrued Interest: 7.62
Last Interest: [date] 7.13
Interest Paid :
Interest Paid : 88.81

Interest Rate
Current Interest Rate: 2.000%

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